Kickstarter / Video Production

Holy directing stuff Batman!
So, for those of you who are unaware, I've been working on my promotional video for my project on Kickstarter is a place where creative types can promote various projects and seek donations and support from a very cool community of people. They strongly recommend that you produce a promo video, so... I've been working hard on putting it together.

It's been a trying process to say the least, I've had some very limited experience making videos so there was a little bit of a learning curve. That said, I wound up with what I'm hoping will be my final product. I'm just awaiting an initial reaction from a few folks to make sure it hits the way I want it to.

In other news - I'm still shading the 1st story to completion. I've had to let it take a back seat due to the video production. I'm hoping to launch the video and my Kickstarter project by November 1st, and then I'll be able to concentrate more fully on the comic itself.

Also, Air-Heart is now on both facebook and twitter so be sure you "like" to "follow" us! That's it for the moment, I'll be posting a link to my kickstarter project page as well as the promo video as soon as they're ready to rock n' roll!


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